Adding the App
The NDC Chapter 13 Trustee 341 Meeting Portal is not a traditional Zoom app. There is nothing to add. The NDC Chapter 13 Trustee 341 Meeting Portal consists of a public web page only, utilizing the Zoom Web SDK to join pre-configured external meetings.
You can go to this page to access the NDC Chapter 13 Trustee 341 Meeting Portal.
First, use the trustee supplied link to access the 341 Meeting Portal, which should look something like
NOTE: All example screenshots are using a mobile device browser.
This will open a window on your browser that should look like this
Tab the Select Your Name dropdown. This shows a list of people who have their 341 meetings scheduled today
If we select the 4th name on this list, the form will automatically fill out the form
We encourage all users to fill in their email address and sign up for free case monitoring provided by You can click on the Terms of Use for more details
However if you do not want to sign up for case monitoring, slide the green bar to the left
Finally, press the button Next to Trustee Waiting Room
Your browser will switch to a new screen. Important: accept the permission to allow audio and video
Press the Join button to proceed to the Trustee's meeting
You are now in the Trustee's waiting room and watching the waiting room video. The Trustee will let you in shortly
Removing the App
The NDC Chapter 13 Trustee 341 Meeting Portal is not a traditional Zoom app. There is nothing to remove. The NDC Chapter 13 Trustee 341 Meeting Portal consists of a public web page only, using the Zoom Web SDK.
If you encounter any issues starting or using the NDC Chapter 13 Trustee 341 Meeting Portal, please call 18669381313 and speak with NDC customer support.
Contact Support
You can open a help ticket here, or call 18669381313 and speak with NDC customer support.